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TSP yo-yo’s back down from November bump

In a decidedly 2020 fashion, Thrift Savings Plan returns dropped in December as sharp as they jumped a month earlier.

The securities-backed G fund aside, which stayed unchanged at 0.07%, numbers released Monday showed monthly declines everywhere else. Nevertheless, all funds stayed in the black for the second month in a row, the highest performance for December being in the small capitalization stock index S Fund — compared to 18.26% in November.

The international stock index I Fund had a monthly return of 4.64% compared to 15.54% the month before. The common stock index investment C fund finished December at 3.84% versus 10.95% for November. The fixed income investment F fund ended December at 0.14% compared to 0.99% the month before.

While most stock funds finished 2020 higher than they did a year prior, the G fund finished 0.09% lower than it did in December 2019.


As for the Lifecycle funds, the L 2055, 2060 and 2065 funds each finished December at 4.63% compared to 13.55% in November — a change of 8.92 percentage points. The L Income fund had a December return of 1.07% compared to 3% the month before.

Unlike the stock funds, all Lifecycle funds finished year higher than they did at the same time in 2019, although the L 2055, 2035, 2045, 2055 and 2065 funds were only added in June.

Thrift Savings Plan — December 2020 Returns
Fund Dec. Year-to-Date Last 12 Months
G fund 0.07% 0.97% 0.97%
F fund 0.14% 7.50% 7.50%
C fund 3.84% 18.31% 18.31%
S fund 7.24% 31.85% 31.85%
I fund 4.64% 8.17% 8.17%
L Income 1.07% 5.15% 5.15%
L 2025 2.27% n/a n/a
L 2030 2.79% 11.26% 11.26%
L 2035 3.06% n/a n/a
L 2040 3.34% 13.16% 13.16%
L 2045 3.59% n/a n/a
L 2050 3.83% 14.79% 14.79%
L 2055 4.63% n/a n/a
L 2060 4.63% n/a n/a
L 2065 4.63% n/a n/a

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