Thousands of Air Force families are waiting months for child care, according to…
The Air Force was unable to place thousands of children in daycare for months on end last year, and continues to…
Postal reform bill could raise health premiums for federal workers, employee group…
A bipartisan bill designed to bring desired financial relief to the U.S. Postal Service could have implications…
Your TSP investment: Love it or leave it?
When they retire from government, about half of the people with Thrift Savings Plan accounts move their retirement…
What Congress is considering for your agency in the week ahead
Best listening experience is on Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Subscribe to Federal Drive’s daily audio interviews on Apple Podcasts or PodcastOne.Nothing has quite jelled enough to be headed to…
Returning to the office: A make-or-break moment for feds nearing retirement?
At this point in the pandemic, federal employees are waiting. They’re waiting for that email from their supervisor…
NARA calls in DoD to help resolve its backlog of veteran records requests
The National Archives and Records Administration is making an urgent plea to the Defense Department, calling on…
Veterans Affairs only spent about half of CARES Act money so far, GAO says
Best listening experience is on Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Subscribe to Federal Drive’s daily audio interviews on Apple Podcasts or PodcastOne.Twenty billion dollars is nothing to sneeze at,…
Best date to retire? How about never!
For many people, the best and only way to insure they have the maximum amount of money to spend in retirement is…
Biden’s DoD will huddle about how to replace CMO position
The DoD Reporter’s Notebook is a weekly summary of personnel, acquisition, technology and management stories that may have fallen below…
Payroll tax deferral still causing headaches for some federal retirees and seasonal…
“Simple” was never the right word to describe last year’s temporary payroll tax deferral, which was implemented…